Hello there and welcome to Mr Lynch's 5th class blog!
We have been learning about the Renaissance in History this year, discovering all of the amazing inventions that were first used during this time and the people who designed them! We learned about people such as Galileo Galilei and his experiment on the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The children were then challenged to design their own Leaning Towers of Pisa during a STEM lesson which was great fun, and a great example of collaborative learning!
Throughout the month the children completed their own projects based on the Renaissance at home. It looked fantastic when we put all of the projects together in our classroom!

Halloween in Mr Lynch's!
We created Halloween lanterns out of paper this week with some spooky ghosts, pumpkins and frankensteins all around the classroom!

We also carved out pumpkins in groups to get in the Halloween spirit!!
Science Week Experiments
Science week takes place from the 10th-17th of November throughout Ireland and our class participated in it by watching the Curious Minds Science show and completing some experiments such as designing CD Hovercrafts and ballon-powered cars, lava lamps, magic milk and of course volcanoes!
During Science week we also designed parachutes using tissue paper, string and tape for our minature lego figures to jump and land safely on the ground floor!
We also learned about Osmosis during science week and completed some experiments to observe how it works. We completed a walking water experiment with three glasses and compared the sizes of gummy bears after they were placed in different liquids. We also looked at the difference between hot water and cold water with skittles!
Rugby Coaching:
We are lucky to have Tiernan coming in to our school on Thursday mornings for a few weeks to teach us some rugby skills. The children are having great fun completing rugby drills and taking the skills they have learnt into matches!
In November, we Remember:
During November we talked about special people in our lives who have passed away and the importance of remembering the good moments that we shared with them. We talked about the symbolism of the 'robin' and the saying 'Robins Appear when Loved Ones are near' and created a lovely display of robins in our classroom.

Advent/Winter art:
In the lead up to Christmas we created lots of wonderful pieces of artwork. We designed advent wreaths using paper plates, created paper snowflakes, created 3D paper snowmen, designed Late Late Toy Show jumpers and drew some wonderful snowmen and owls too!
An Garda Síochána Christmas Card Appeal:
An Garda Síochána have been looking for children to make Christmas cards with nice messages on them as they will then be delivered to elderly and vulnerable people over the Christmas period. We decided to get involved in this lovely iniative and created cards of our own to be delivered to those in need this Christmas.

2025 Agamographs
After a discussion about New Year's Resolutions, we created Agamographs to start 2025, which will hopefully be a great year for our class!

Robot Construction Art:
Before Christmas we looked at a Robotics chapter in our Geography and Science books and this week we brought in lots of recyclables from home to create our own robots!
Grandparent's Day:
Grandparent's Day took place on Wednesday 22nd of January in our school. In our classroom we set up activities such as an interview, board games, book reading, painting, colouring, Chromebooks and puzzles, which the children could complete with their Grandparents. We were lucky to have 17 Grandparents in our classroom, which made for a lovely day for all.
Chinese New Year - The Year of the Snake:
The Chinese New Year began on Wednesday 29th of January. To mark the occasion, we learned about how the event is celebrated in China and the animals associated with each year. 2025 is the year of the Snake. We learned how to say Happy New Year in Chinese and decorated banners with Happy New Year written in Chinese characters and snakes!
Junior Entrepreneur 2025:
This year, both 5th classes have been preparing business ideas to present in front of their peers and our Principal, Mr Hanly, in a Dragon's Den type format. This is linked to the Junior Entrepreneur programme and the children worked very diligently in pairs/threes to create posters and Google Slides presentations based on their ideas. There were some very impressive business pitches and the children expertly answered questions posed by the audience about their products!
Fabric and Fibre/The Incas:
We have been learning about the Inca civilisation during our History lessons this week. The Incas were a group of people who lived in the Andes Mountain range of South America many years ago. The Incas were talented people who weaved and made fabric with intricate patterns. We decided to weave our own patterns and designs on Hessian fabric!